Agribusiness digitalization software concept


Buiak Lilia1ORCID


1. West Ukrainian National University


The digital transformation of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine is an essential element of economic growth and a critical factor in ensuring the country's sustainable development. In the Ukrainian economy, agricultural enterprises play an essential role and are the primary driver of developing the country's agricultural complex. Information technologies are developing frantically, and the agricultural sector is no exception. The use of modern technologies helps enterprises manage the process of growing crops effectively, considering climatic conditions, land resources, and many other factors. The use of digital technologies contributes to optimizing production processes, introducing elements of precision agriculture, and automating agricultural machines and equipment. This helps to improve product quality and saves resources. Also, information technology helps to analyze large volumes of data, which allows managers to make sound strategic and managerial decisions. The use of monitoring systems helps agricultural companies to respond quickly to and implement changes in the production process. There are constantly many new startups in the agricultural sector engaged in developing modern solutions based on artificial intelligence, which reduces human and makes production costs expensive. Also, information technology makes it possible to effectively manage the land bank, control crop rotation, use certain fertilizers, and store the history of growing crops for better and more efficient production in the future. Also, the analysis of the experience of using digital technologies in agricultural enterprises shows significant savings and benefits from implementing technological solutions. The digital transformation of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine is a crucial stage for achieving sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the economy of Ukraine in general, ensuring competitiveness and compliance with modern requirements. Keywords: digital transformation, information technologies, IT in agricultural enterprises, digitalization, digital technologies, agribusiness, digital agriculture.


Drukarnia Madryd

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