1. Khmelnytskyi National University
2. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
3. Private Higher Educational Institution "European University"
4. Cherkasy National B. Khmelnitsky University
The study considers the relevance of the formation and implementation of policies for the development of Internet marketing of the enterprise, in particular entities specializing in the provision of consumer services. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic aspects and substantiate promising areas for improving the system of Internet marketing of consumer services. The results of sociological research among service consumers on the quantity and quality of digital communication channels, including those used by service consumers, their satisfaction with the level and quality of digital marketing communications, promising digital marketing communications, the benefits of Internet marketing tools are presented. The results of an expert survey of managers and specialists of business entities that provide consumer services in order to identify the direct tools of Internet marketing that they use, are given. The specifics of Internet marketing tools used by enterprises are determined. The factor analysis of the importance of using the tools of Internet marketing at enterprises and its results are given. The methodological and applied model of product formation for Internet marketing at the enterprise has been developed. The system elements the of Internet marketing of consumer services enterprises are identified, namely, subjects and objects of digitalization, mechanisms for digital transformation of Internet marketing relations, ways of providing and factors that determine the nature and structure of digital Internet marketing. The applied significance of the research results is that the prospects of using various Internet marketing tools for enterprises that provide consumer services, depending on the strategy of their further development, namely, focus on competitiveness, increase activity, increase business profitability, improve rating positions of the brand. The scientific novelty of the research results is the further development of tools for managing Internet marketing of enterprises in the service sector, namely the development of methodological and applied model of product formation for Internet marketing of the enterprise.
Keywords: marketing policy, Internet marketing, digital communications, marketing mix, services.
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