1. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
The article reveals the essence and meaning of digitization. It was established that the list of the most promising digital technologies according to the results of the World Economic Forum in Davos includes: artificial intelligence, mobile, biometric and cloud technologies, virtualization, blockchain, augmented reality, additive technologies (3D printing). The Concept of Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 noted the need for digitalization of agricultural enterprises, which depends on the competitiveness of agricultural producers. Digitization enables agricultural enterprises to share information, establish cooperation and peer review, compare their production with others, and develop informal information systems that can complement more formal information systems.
The most long-awaited event in the field of electronic communications in Ukraine is the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Communications", which should ensure the dynamic development of the electronic communications market according to European standards and at the same time improve the quality of services in this area. It is figured out that at the current stage of development of Ukraine, a powerful digital strategy for managing agricultural enterprises is gradually being formed, based on the use of computer technologies, geo-information systems, management of business processes of production, SMART equipment, logistics, marketing, which will allow differentiated and clear consideration of technical, technological and management decisions. It was considered how digitization affects the efficiency of agricultural producers, and the system of information and communication technologies was developed, which contributes to ensuring the process of digitization of agricultural enterprises. The step-by-step algorithm for the introduction of digitalization processes into the activities of agricultural enterprises and the mechanism of digitalization of agricultural enterprises are proposed.
Keywords: digitization, efficiency, agricultural enterprise, digital technologies, electronic communications, profit, competitive advantage.
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