How to Ensure the Quality of the University Education in the Era of Change


Galazhinsky E. V.1,Sukhanova E. A.1


1. National Research Tomsk State University


In connection with the new geopolitical and socio-economic situation, the article considers the question of the new design of the national higher education system and quality assurance of the educational outcomes in these circumstances. The article remodels the international experience of the higher education systems’ construction. The key issues in respect of which must be found socio-professional consensus, are substantiated. The article presents the results of the network study dedicated to the quality problems of higher education as well as the experience of the organization of the “University National Initiative of Education Quality” (UNIEQ) as the subject of transformation. The article begins a series of materials (cases) written by the UNIEQ developers on specifi c aspects that may improve the quality of education: tools for increasing demand and manageability of higher education, and achieving “content excellence”. The article is intended for researchers, managers of higher education, and developers of programs for the transformation of education.


Ural Federal University

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