Practices of Involving Industrial Partners in Education Quality Management


Voronin A. V.1,Tarasov K. G.1,Budnik P. V.1


1. Petrozavodsk State University


The article describes the experience of interaction between Petrozavodsk State University (Karelia) and a major industrial partner with the help of the Specialised Department. Here, the Department not only represents an educational structure, which improves the quality of practice-oriented training for future engineers, but also solves urgent problems of innovation and research. The authors focus on the reason for the creation of a joint structure, on the organizational features of management, as well as on the main results of the Specialised Department’s activity – that is, the projects «Welding Center», «Systems for Vibrodiagnostics and Predictive Analytics», «Laser Technologies Center». There is expressed an opinion that the described case refl ects a systematic experience of organizing management in a university’s specifi c educational structure and shows the essence of the implemented integration approaches in the practice of university management. The article contains drawings to clearly demonstrate the legal support of the Specialised Department’s activities and the structure of its interaction with the university and with the industrial partner. 


Ural Federal University

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