Promotion of Educational Programs: New Practices


Dolzhenko R. A.1,Dolzhenko S. B.1


1. Ural State University of Economics


In the context of current and upcoming reforms of higher education, there are acute issues of target orientation of new educational programs under the orders of external stakeholders (state, region, employers, students, and their families, etc.), as well as their promotion for subsequent implementation to obtain the target result, ensure employment of graduates, satisfy customer requests. The purpose of the study is to present a case of effective promoting a new type of higher education programs, which involve vertical school-university integration, to formulate recommendations for their promotion, and to evaluate the results of recruitment. The following research methods are used: analytical and comparative, analysis of documents, labor market segments review, marketing promotion plan formation, key performance indicators analysis etc.The case analysis shows that in the context of competition for applicants, the use of activity-based tools for promoting educational programs, which imply immersion in practice-oriented learning from school (for instance, involving schoolchildren in university projects), as well as other forms of active marketing can give better results than traditional approaches.


Ural Federal University

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