1. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltzin
The publication presents the case of the Ural Federal University in the development of organizational formats of infrastructure for research. In 2016, the Center for Fundamental Biotechnology and Bioengineering was established at the Ural Federal University with the support of the Competitiveness Enhancement Program (5–100). The goal of the project was to form a scientific center for the development of the basic research in biotechnology and bioengineering for medicine, agribusiness and environmental solutions, increasing the effectiveness of scientific activities in the field of biotechnology and reaching the image of an international scientific center for biotechnology and bioengineering. In the five-year history of the Center for Fundamental Biotechnology, two stages can be distinguished – the first three years were the formation of the structure of the center, its equipment base and the development of professional competencies of employees, in subsequent years the created conditions ensured the growth of the Center’s performance indicators, for example, publication activity increased 13.4 times, more than in 10 times decreased research costs per 1 article and increased the profitability ratio. This allowed the Center to become competitive at the federal level and recognized in the international professional community.
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