1. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
The weak motivation of young people to scientific and pedagogical activity, the shortcomings of the system of training highly qualified personnel, the decline in the interest of postgraduate graduates in professional scientific and pedagogical activity and many other factors lead to the aging of scientific and pedagogical personnel of Russian universities. In the last few years, universities have been actively searching for approaches to improving the systems of reproduction of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The analysis of programs aimed at rejuvenation of personnel and building up the scientific potential of the university, carried out in the article, allowed us to identify the key features of practical tools used in universities. The most promising mechanism can be considered contract training, since it allows you to secure young promising personnel at the university for at least several years. At the same time, this practice is not systematized, has no theoretical and methodological justification, in addition, there are no conceptual developments of the model of the contract training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual model of the contract training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel and to analyze the implemented model. The methodology of this work is based on a systematic approach, in which both special methods were used: comparative analysis, content analysis of documents, morphological analysis, and general scientific research methods. To achieve stated goal, the practice of implementing a model of contract training of personnel is revealed on the example of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. The program of reproduction of scientific and pedagogical personnel based on the system of targeted contract training has been implemented at the university for several years and already has certain results. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the formation of conceptual approach to the development and implementation of a system of the contract training of scientific and pedagogical personnel for universities. The article may be useful for researchers and university managers dealing with the issues of training highly qualified personnel, rejuvenation of the personnel structure and personnel management of the university in general.
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