1. Friberg L. Piscator M. and Nordberg G. F. Cadmiun in the Environment. CRC Press Cleveland Ohio 1971.
2. Friberg L. etal Cadmium in the Environment 2nd ed. CRC Press Cleveland Ohio 1974.
3. Friberg L. etal Cadmium in the Environment III. Environmental Protection Technology Series EPA 650/2-75-079 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington D. C. 1975.
4. Review Committee on Cadmium. Criteria for a Recommended Standard; Occupational Exposure to Cadmium. U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Rockville Md. 1976.
5. Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs. Evaluation of the Impact of Cadmium on the Health of Man. Commission of the European Communities Luxembourg 1977.