1. NRDC v. USEPA Case No. 12-70268 [audio recording]. San Francisco CA:United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit (16 January 2013). Available: http://goo.gl/D5r5f [accessed 25 June 2013].
2. EPA. Decision Document: Conditional Registration of HeiQ AGS-20 as a Materials Preservative in Textiles. Washington DC:Antimicrobials Division Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1 December 2011). Available: http://goo.gl/GN1dE [accessed 25 June 2013].
3. 120 Years of Nanosilver History: Implications for Policy Makers
4. Colloidal Silver [website]. WebMD.com (2013). Available: http://goo.gl/kkf3c [accessed 25 June 2013].
5. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. Silver Database. Washington DC:Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2013). Available: http://goo.gl/tCKX8 [accessed 25 June 2013].