1. EPA. Addressing Uranium Contamination on the Navajo Nation [website]. San Francisco CA:Pacific Southwest Superfund Program U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 (updated 26 September 2013). Available: http://goo.gl/YiX5XI [accessed 15 January 2014].
2. Pasternak J. Yellow Dirt: A Poisoned Land and the Betrayal of the Navajos. New York NY:Free Press (2011).
3. Zoellner T. Uranium: War Energy and the Rock that Shaped the World. New York NY:Penguin Books (2010).
4. Millard J et al. The Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill: A Health and Environmental Assessment. Summary Report. Santa Fe NM:Environmental Improvement Division New Mexico Health and Environment Department (September 1983). Available: http://goo.gl/G8DoWa [accessed 15 January 2014].
5. The Sequoyah Corporation Fuels Release and the Church Rock Spill: Unpublicized Nuclear Releases in American Indian Communities