Romatoid Artrit Hastaları için Zihin Haritası Yöntemi ile Bardak Tasarım Kriterlerinin Geliştirilmesi






Rheumatoid arthritis, which is primarily seen in small joints (hand joints, wrist and foot joints) and elbows, causes chronic (more than 6 weeks) joint damage. It is an autoimmune inflammatory joint disease that can occur in many organs and systems. When we look at the female / male ratio of this disease, which is seen at a rate of 1% in the society, it appears as 3/1. Although the reason for its emergence is unknown; it is stated that biological and hereditary factors are the main cause. In addition, it is claimed that psychological and social factors also play a role in the onset and course of the disease. RA causes negative situations in both physical and psychosocial life of the person. Symptoms can result in restriction of daily activities, decreased effectiveness in work life, problems in sexual life, social isolation, dependence on others. As a result of these, a decrease in the self-esteem of the individual, changes in body image, depression, anxiety and anger feelings may develop. One of the situations in which daily activities are restricted in people with RA is the restriction or complete termination of the use of daily products. Rheumatoid arthritis patients with the daily products were investigated and it was determined that one of the most problematic products to use was glasses. It was aimed to solve the problems identified in glass designs with industrial design methods. In this direction, the design criteria and mind maps presented by 50 students who successfully completed the 'Design Theory and Methods' course at Erciyes University, Department of Industrial Design Engineering were examined. This study, which is presented at the intersection of medical and industrial design, is important in terms of creating an interdisciplinary study area.


Bayburt Universitesi

Reference18 articles.

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