Csíki-medence munkaerőpiaci helyzetképe


Sárosi-Blága ÁgnesORCID,


"The study analyses the labour market situation in the Bazinul Ciucului based on the data of the Romanian National Statistical Office, closely linked to the research on Szeklerland and the Bazinul Ciucului. The aim of the study is to analyse the social and economic trends in the area under study, with a particular focus on the evolution of labour market data in rural municipalities. The findings will provide insights into the economic performance and competitiveness of the municipalities of the Bazinul Ciucului and its labour market situation, helping decision-makers and local authorities to explore the labour market and plan interventions to increase employment. The results show that in most municipalities there have been no major changes in the labour market over the last 10 years. Both the number of employed and the number of registered unemployed are low compared to the population of the municipalities. The unemployment rate is not high in principle, but it is still significant, due to the statistically difficult to measure share of the unemployed who are not registered (e.g. houseworkers, temporary foreign workers) and the share of the unemployed who are working in the black economy."


Status Pro SRL

Reference25 articles.

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