New Enterprise Models in Rural Areas in The Context of New Rural Development Paradigm


Biró A. ZoltánORCID, ,Sárosi-Blága ÁgnesORCID,Székely Kinga KatalinORCID,Szász Mária-MagdolnaORCID,Nagy-Menyhárt SzidóniaORCID,Kovács Ottília-Enikő, , , , ,


" In a rural context, on the example of the Szeklerland region of Eastern Transylvania (Romania), based on the relevant literature and an exploratory research, our study analyses the question of how and to what extent the components related to the new economy phenomenon in new, small-scale enterprises can be detected. In this regard, we analyzed 30 interviews – 17 women and 13 men, aged 25-35 years – conducted with founders and managers of innovative enterprises, and case studies. The research was conducted in 2019-2020. We applied the methodology of the “contextual turn” approach (Welter, 2011) and the social constructive perspective (Jack–Anderson, 2002; Korsgaard–Anderson, 2011). The main focus of the study is the analysis of the regional context and the three components of new economy characteristics referring to the starting, running and representing enterprises (1. incorporating elements of individual habitus, 2. the role of personal beliefs and values, 3. the role of the social environment in the development and operation of the enterprise), which bring changes to regional entrepreneurial practices by prioritizing the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs."


Status Pro SRL

Reference52 articles.

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