Traditional Medicine in Latin America: a holistic approach to health


Barzola Baez Maria Lilda,Maribel Ramos Selene,Del Valle Vasquez Estela


Traditional medicine has been an integral part of human healthcare for centuries, offering a holistic approach to health that goes beyond merely treating physical symptoms. In Latin America, this approach has deep historical roots and has played a significant role in the region's cultural identity. such as social rejection of biomedicine, limited access to biomedical services, and the high cost of medical care. However, there has been a decline in the prevalence of traditional medicine in recent decades, with a decrease in traditional healers and an increasing reliance on biomedical care. This trend varies across different regions, but overall, there is a diminishing number of traditional healers, raising concerns about the potential disappearance of traditional medicine. Despite these challenges, traditional medicine remains a valuable part of healthcare in Latin America. Its cultural significance, holistic approach, and the trust it garners from certain communities make it relevant even in today's rapidly advancing medical landscape. Looking to the future, the field of medicine is poised for significant developments, including advancements in diagnosis, surgery, and treatment methods. While antibiotics have been essential in the fight against infectious diseases, bacterial resistance is a growing concern. Future medical breakthroughs are expected to involve vaccines, gene therapy, monoclonal antibodies, and stem cell transplants. In conclusion, traditional medicine in Latin America reflects a holistic approach to healthcare deeply intertwined with cultural and historical contexts. As modern medicine continues to evolve, there is potential for integrating traditional and scientific knowledge to create a more comprehensive approach to health and well-being, respecting the rich heritage of traditional practices.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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