Soft skills and the labor market insertion of students in the last cycles of administration at a university in northern Lima


Velásquez Anto Alexandra,Yanac Gómez Jesús Alejandro,Meneses Claudio Brian Andreé,Zapana Ruiz Jorge Arturo


The search for a job by students who are about to graduate from their universities has become very complex because the current market and the recruitment of new personnel in different companies has become very demanding, since companies currently have their sights set on people who are not only good professionals and have technical knowledge, because what is required now is personnel who can develop, providing ideas and solutions in different internal conflicts, to be able to cope with situations of uncertainty. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between soft skills and the labor market insertion of students in the last cycles of a university in northern Lima in the year 2023. The present research is of a basic type, it presents a descriptive correlational scope of non-experimental cross-sectional design, showing a hypothetical deductive method and quantitative approach. Through the use of the questionnaire of questions, by means of the Likert scale, it allowed obtaining data from a total population of 119 students, taking as a random sample a total of 94 students. At the conclusion of the surveys it was obtained that the Rho Spearman relationship shows a result of .703 between variable 1 Soft Skills and variable 2 Job placement, in turn, the bilateral significance level is 0,01 which shows that there is a high positive correlation between the 2 variables mentioned. The conclusion is that soft skills are significantly related to labor market insertion, alluding that they are important and participate in the labor market insertion process, and that they are taken into account by companies who are looking for new collaborators capable of resolving conflicts and possessing these skills, which increase productivity within a company


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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