Effects of steel reinforcement ratios on the flange effective width for reinforced concrete T-beams casting with recycled coarse aggregate


Mohsin Razooq Ali,Kadhem Sayhood Eyad,Sadiq Resheq Ali


Concrete waste in large quantities has caused environmental damage and requires landfilling places and effort. Therefore, concrete waste has been recycled, and new concrete has been produced, which is called recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). In this work, study the behavior of T-beams with recycled aggregate concrete is investigated, and the parameters studied on T-beams are as follows: (Replacing natural coarse aggregate (NCA) with 100 % recycled coarse aggregate (RCA), increasing the flexural reinforcing ratio (ρw) in percentage (25 % and 50 %), increasing the shear reinforcing ratio (ρv) according to (Ø10@50mm and Ø12@75mm), and increasing the flange reinforcing ratio (ρf) in percentage (50 % and 100 %) to find the effects of these parameters on the longitudinal strain distribution on the top surface of the flange, flange effective width, deflections, and the development of cracks. Eight beams’ specimens are tested, and the results of the tested beams show that; the replacing natural coarse aggregate (NCA) with 100 % recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) leads to a decrease in the longitudinal strains distribution, flange effective width, and increase in deflections. The increase in the flexural reinforcing steel ratio (ρw) leads to an increase in the longitudinal strains distribution, flange effective width, and decrease in deflections. The increase in the shear reinforcing steel ratio (ρv) leads to a very little increase in longitudinal strains distribution, flange effective width, and decrease in deflection, and this parameter effects is very little and can be neglected. Finally, the increase in flange reinforcing steel ratio (ρf) leads to an increase in longitudinal strain distribution and flange effective width and a decrease in deflection


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia








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