Educational intervention strategy on arterial hypertension. Clinic No.5


Ortega Laureiro Carlos Alberto,Valle Campos Maria Cristina,Pérez Pérez Caridad,Álvarez Ramos Yaimelin,Zambrana Alfonso Armando


Introduction: arterial hypertension is one of the most important factors affecting mortality due to cardiovascular disease. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on knowledge about hypertension. Methods: an intervention study was carried out to modify knowledge about arterial hypertension in CMF #5, Viñales municipality. The universe consisted of 210 hypertensive patients, and the sample selected by criteria was 140. Data collection was done through a survey and absolute frequencies and percentages were used to summarize the information. Results: the predominant age group was over 50 years of age. The risk factors present in the sample were sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of salt and fat in meals, smoking and alcoholism. Significant differences were found between the evaluation before and after the level of knowledge of risk factors, possible complications, lifestyle modifications and drug treatment. Conclusions: it is demonstrated that the application of the educational intervention strategy was of great importance in terms of increasing knowledge about arterial hypertension in doctor's office number 5 in the municipality of Viñales.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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