Introduction: Necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressive soft tissue infection that can destroy the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue and muscle, which will subsequently lead to sepsis, systemic toxicity, multiorgan failure and a potentially fatal outcome.
Case Report: This is a 13-year-old male patient, who had dengue fever with warning signs, who was administered three injectables in the right gluteal region. From this event, a very aggressive condition would be triggered. of necrotizing fasciitis caused by cAMP-producing Pseudomonas aureginosa.
Evolution: The treatment adopted an approach based on recommendations for antibiotic therapy, added to early debridement, intensive supportive care and management by multiple medical specialties.
Conclusions: The atypical presentation of this disease, as in the case we present, requires multidisciplinary management. Making an early diagnosis made it possible to offer immediate and timely surgical intervention, which was essential in our patient and allowed a favorable evolution and recovery.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia