1. Somyot, C., & Sermpol, B. (1985). Design of Cashew Nut Centrifugal sheller. Unpublished M.Tech Thesis. Dept of Agricultural Engineering. Faculty of Engineering. Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok. Thailand.
2. Thivavarnvongs, T., Okamoto, T., & Kitani, O. (1995). Development of Compact Sized Cashew Nut Shelling Machinery (Part 1) : Syntheses of Effective Manual and Semi-Automatic Shelling Methods. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 57(2), 57–65. https://doi.org/10.11357/jsam1937.57.2_57
3. Jain, R. K., & Kumar, S. (1997). Development of a Cashew Nut Sheller. Journal of Food Engineering, 32(3), 339–345. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0260-8774(97)00020-4
4. Bulaong, M. C., Gregorio, R. P., & Jallorina, B. G. (2000). Mechanized cashew nut sheller. Highlights’ 99 (Philippines).
5. Ojolo & Ogunsina (2007) designed a box-type cashew nut shelling machine. It consists of a hinge and a spring-loaded cracking lid. The cashew nuts are placed in the round grooves and pressed gently using the spring-loaded lid. At a time, 25 roasted cashew nuts can be cracked using this box-type sheller.