In this study, it allows the relationship between functionality and resilience in order to observe the family dynamics that influence the adolescent in their ability to respond to different situations, therefore, the research objective is to determine family functionality and resilience in adolescents in the first year of high school in a public educational institution in Carabayllo, Lima. It is a quantitative, correlational, non-experimental study, with the participation of 152 students, who answered a survey of sociodemographic data, the Family Functioning Test and the Conno-Davidson Resilience Scale. In their results, 11,8 % (n=18) have a severely dysfunctional family and 10,5 % (n=16) have low resilience. In conclusion, the vulnerabilities presented by the adolescent must be identified in order to provide support according to their needs in a personalized manner.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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