At the Nueva San Rafael Health Center in Esmeraldas, a study was carried out with adults between 35 and 60 years old to evaluate the influence of lifestyle habits on the evolution of high blood pressure. The study used questionnaires and direct observations to collect data and evaluate patients' high blood pressure behaviors through direct observation. The research identified that family history, poor health habits and being overweight were the main risk factors. The findings confirmed the need for early and personalized interventions, especially in populations at high genetic risk. The educational strategies applied were effective in promoting healthy habits and reducing risk factors, which suggests that they can be replicated in other public health programs. Together, a proactive and evidence-based approach was proposed to improve both individual and community interventions. In addition, the need to investigate more about the sustainability and long-term impact of these educational strategies and the contribution to future public policies was identified. It has been concluded that early intervention in the evolution of high blood pressure and the promotion of continuing education is necessary to mitigate risk factors. Therefore, it has become necessary to promote healthy lifestyles, and, consequently, improve the quality of life of adults affected by this prevalent medical condition
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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