Epidermal necrolysis in a renal transplanted patient


Fuentes Milián Yangel,Hernández Valdés Víctor Manuel,Crusa Lorenzo Maydelis


Introduction: epidermal necrolysis is a mucocutaneous hypersensitivity reaction induced mainly by drugs and infections. It includes two conditions that differ in the percentage of affected skin: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Case presentation: 52-year-old female patient, white skin, with personal pathological history of mesangial glomerulonephritis (IgA) and secondary chronic renal failure, nephrotransplanted since 34 years ago, with functional graft under immunosuppressive treatment. She was referred from her health area to the Nephrology Service of the General Teaching Hospital "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" for presenting evolving herpes zoster, with bacterial superinfection in the right hemithorax, accompanied by intense pain, fever up to 39 °C, general malaise and disseminated dermatosis.  Conclusions: the patient presented a picture of epidermal necrolysis related to the immunosuppressive state after renal transplantation as a complication of herpes zoster.  The diagnosis was based on clinical findings and through timely treatment, a satisfactory discharge was possible.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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