Risk analysis of miscarriage among workers at the “sandflowers” floriculture in Pichincha province


Acosta Rosero Johana ValentinaORCID


The risk of spontaneous abortion in female workers is concerning due to exposure to various occupational risk factors. The study aimed to analyze the risk of abortion among workers at the "Sandflowers" floriculture in Pichincha province, Ecuador. A descriptive approach was employed using surveys to collect information about working conditions and their impact on employees' health. The sample consisted of 51 workers who responded to a questionnaire on exposure to chemical substances, the use of personal protective equipment, and training on occupational risks. Results showed that 58 % were exposed to toxic chemicals and 63 % lacked adequate protective equipment. Additionally, 62 % had not received adequate training on occupational risks. It is concluded that urgent measures are needed to improve training, provision of protective equipment, and constant monitoring to protect the reproductive health of female workers


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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