Dynamics of identity as a component favoring the generational replacement of vegetable fiber craftswomen in the district of Végueta


Ramos La Rosa Patricia ElenaORCID,Rodriguez-Cadillo Ana JulianiORCID,Ausejo-Sánchez José LuisORCID,Ramos y Yovera Santiago ErnestoORCID,Lioo-Jordan Flor de MaríaORCID,Caro-Soto Félix GilORCID


The aim of the research was to determine and explain how the dynamics of identity acts as a facilitating component in the generational transition of vegetable fiber artisans in the district of Végueta. The study adopted a mixed approach that combined quantitative and qualitative methodologies, implementing a descriptive research method and a sequential design. Furthermore, the research design was non-experimental and cross-sectional. The population consisted of 90 artisans, with a sample of 70 for the quantitative method and reaching saturation at the 25th interview for the qualitative method. The techniques applied included observation, documentary analysis, structured interviews, and surveys. The quantitative analysis resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis, confirming that the dynamics of identity favor generational transition in the mentioned district. A Rho Spearman correlation coefficient of 0,974 was obtained, which was significant and strongly positive, and a p-value of 0,000. In the qualitative analysis, the artisans expressed deep pride in their cultural richness, reflecting the construction of their identity dynamics. However, they also expressed a feeling of incomplete recognition by society, which, although it values their cultural contribution, does not translate into concrete support through the purchase of their handicrafts. This economic uncertainty affects the artisans' willingness to train their successors, thus containing the generational transition process


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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