Introduction: the obstetric patient is defined as a female patient who presents certain characteristics that occur due to alterations in maternal physiology and diseases developed during pregnancy, up to the delivery process. Aim: to create and validate a health-nurse assessment form for obstetric patients during labor. Method: a quantitative, cross-sectional and applied study was carried out with the participation of six experts in the health area; two obstetricians and four nursing graduates to validate the instrument, who gave their opinion on the wording and coherence of the items proposed. The pilot plan was carried out in 14 rotating nursing interns where the survey was applied and reliability was obtained with Cronbach's alpha. Once the validation and reliability were obtained, the instrument was presented to the study sample corresponding to 99 students of the fifth semester of the nursing career at the Technical University of Ambato. Results: a Cronbach's alpha of 0.89 was observed, which is in a high reliability range; in addition, the format is valid, with an average acceptance rate of 1.00. Conclusions: the application of the evaluation form to 5th semester nursing students determined that the instrument is appropriate (76.77 % TD), clear (60.61 % TD), appropriately timed (51.52 % TD), easy to apply (72.73 % TD), useful (75.76 % TD) and recommended for use (73.74 % TD).
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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