Introduction: Covid-19 is a recently discovered disease, originating in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, this virus being responsible for the current pandemic. Due to the spread of the virus, it is of interest to evaluate the available evidence on the role of micronutrient supplementation.Objective: characterize the effectiveness of supplemented micronutrients on inflammatory markers in Covid-19 patients.Methods: a systematic review of 3 053 studies was carried out through a search in electronic databases. Studies without variable results, without a comparison group and incomplete information were excluded.Results: three of which proposed supplementation with vitamin C and D in critically ill patients with Covid-19 were found. Two clinical trials evaluate vitamin D supplementation, showing a decrease in the response variables (interleukin 6, ferritin and CRP), while the third evaluated vitamin C in relation to the admission of patients to the ICU.Conclusions: with little evidence found, it is not possible to affirm the idea that the micronutrients studied help reduce the concentration of inflammatory markers
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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