The fundamental importance of the analytes lies in their role as primary biomarkers to identify possible conditions that may arise during the gestation process. Objective: To analytes the importance of determining uric acid, cholesterol and triglycerides in pregnant women. Methodology: The article was a literature review that focused on the synthesis and analysis of scientific articles related to the topic in question. The PRISMA method was used to search for information, which consisted of an exhaustive and systematic search for relevant data using appropriate search terms and strategies. Results: Thirteen articles were screened and selected for analysis, of which six were excluded because they focused on pregnant women, but with different analytes. From the standards, 7 articles were identified that met the methodology and were included in the article development analysis. Conclusions: The research evidenced that the evaluation of uric acid, cholesterol and triglyceride levels are a first source in preclinical diagnosis, however, among the most common pathologies such as preeclampsia there are approximately 66 predictive parameters being this an important part of prenatal care to promote a healthy pregnancy
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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