Absolute isolation is one of the indispensable procedures in dental practice when applied in clinical situations. The objective of this study was to compare two dam drills in order to determine which one allows a clean cut without irregularities. Two perforators were used, a used one called Awan and a new one called Golgram. Twenty-four rubber dykes were also used, which were divided into two groups and coded. Each group consisted of 12 dykes, being blue colored for one group and green colored for the other group. Twenty boreholes were drilled for each driller's hole in each dike, giving a total of 100 boreholes per dike. These perforations were subsequently analyzed under the microscope. With the Awan perforator and the green colored dyke, it was found that with technique one (only applying pressure) 53 % imperfect perforations and 47 % clean perforations were obtained. With technique two (pressure plus stretching), 14,5 % of imperfect perforations and 85,5 % of clean perforations were observed. With the Golgram perforator and the blue dike, it was found that with technique one, 47 % of imperfect perforations and 52,5 % of clean perforations were obtained. With technique two, 42,5 % of imperfect perforations and 57,5 % of clean perforations were observed. It was concluded that the Sanctuary brand dam and the Awan drill are efficient during drilling, producing clean holes
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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