The study of Psychosocial Risk in the MEGASTOCK company, was developed in the context of the welfare and health of workers in Ecuadorian environments, demonstrating the topic importance about the development and productivity of the company. It was empowered by the CoPsoQ-ISTAS 21 methodology, the different proposed categories were analyzed allowing the identification of the high risk dimensions factor of work rhythm, role conflict, quantitative demands per job and per department, job insecurity per job and per department, insecurity about working conditions, emotional demands per job and per department, double presence per job and per department, demands to hide emotions; situations that intersect the labor aspect with the conditions and realities of society and its development.It’s important that the obtained results are due to many factors inherent to the political, social and economic context of the country, whose volatility and sudden changes force institutions to look for adaptation mechanisms to avoid uncertainty and probable extinction. It is for this reason that people have been exposed to these factors that determine the level risk, and the result of which, according to the different dimensions, has been high
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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