Introduction: Older adults go through a series of physiological changes, making the loss of physical, psychological and cognitive functions common in this population, mostly causing dependence to perform activities in basic daily life. This condition makes older adults fragile and prone to have any type of fall leading to disability, increase the number of hospitalizations and even death, therefore, the execution of exercises is the best prevention tool. Objective. To determine the effect of nursing intervention on the deterioration of physical mobility in older adults.Methods: Quantitative approach, quasi-experimental design with correlational scope. The population consisted of 70 older adults, the sample was chosen by inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection was by the Barthel index and the battery (SPPB); subsequently, data tabulation was performed using the SPSS statistical program. The research was framed within the bioethical aspects established in the Helsinki declaration. Results: Older adults prone to frailty are women, who improved their condition from frail to pre-frail, by means of the Otago exercise program. Conclusions: Nursing interventions is of utmost importance as care plans can be designed, ensuring a better quality of life.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
Nursing (miscellaneous),Health Professions (miscellaneous)
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