Introduction: The population aging raises the need for the inclusion of older people in research, and therefore, the review of ethical guidelines that grant protection to this age group, especially in conditions of vulnerability. Objective: To find out about the ethical conditions involved in research with older people and the protection they should be afforded as research subjects. Methods: Narrative review of 15 original articles published between 2001 and 2021, indexed in the PUBMED, Web of Science, CINAHL, and SCOPUS databases. The descriptors used were Ethics in Research and Aged/ Elderly. Results: The main findings point to the poverty of research on aging issues and unjustified discrimination in the participation of older people in clinical studies. An update is provided on the ethical conditions for research on older people, according to the requirements set out by Emanuel. Conclusions: The need to include older people in clinical research is imperative, for which it is necessary to integrate advances in Chilean legislation that allow the participation of this age group in different situations of vulnerability while maintaining the conditions of protection contemplated in international ethical guidelines and agreements. Participatory research and methods that include the community can be an opportunity to approach research within a framework of respect and citizen education.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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