Elizalde Ordoñez Humberto,Andino Guamanzara Ximena del Pilar,Jiménez Juela Narcisa de Jesús,Chacón Sevillano Sonia Elizabeth,Romero Romero Evelyn Alexandra,Tatiana Karina Rosales Maldonado Tatiana Karina Rosales Maldonado
In the field of nursing, "the other" and "otherness" focuses on the recognition and understanding of the cultural, social and personal diversity of individuals. This perspective considers particularities, beliefs and experiences as crucial elements in the health care, in addition contemporary nursing recognizes that each person is unique and has an identity that goes beyond their medical condition. When facing the "other", nursing professionals strive to understand their values, beliefs and cultural contexts to provide truly person-centered care, in this sense, nursing care focuses on establishing an empathetic and respectful connection with the patient, recognizing and valuing their individuality. Otherness becomes a bridge to understand differences and adapt health care to the specific needs of each individual, taking into consideration a holistic approach, considering not only the physical aspects, but also the emotional, cultural and social aspects of the patient, which involves working in interdisciplinary teams to integrate different perspectives and knowledge , thus promoting more complete and effective care. In conclusion, the nursing approach towards "the other" and otherness lies in recognizing, respecting and valuing the uniqueness of each individual, thus promoting more human, sensitive and person-centered care
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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