Comparison of pre- and post-prophylaxis plaque index using chlorhexidine. Bibliographic review


Grijalva Palacios Miryan MargaritaORCID,Ponce Reyes Nathalie StefyORCID,Tacuri Eras Helen DayanaORCID,Flores Aupaz Jhean PierreORCID


Preventive dentistry focuses on the analysis of bacterial plaque and the promotion of proper hygiene and eating habits. This makes it possible to work on the prevention of possible dental diseases. Therefore, it is essential to apply various methods that encourage people's interest in their oral hygiene, including the control of bacterial plaque, the application of appropriate toothbrushing techniques and regular dental checkups. The objective of this study was to compare the plaque index pre and post prophylaxis using chlorhexidine by means of a literature review. The methodology used included the analysis of 20 scientific articles through a documentary review and the development of a content matrix. The findings suggest that Chlorhexidine, an antiseptic, is effective in reducing oral biofilm and controlling periodontal diseases by inhibiting bacterial plaque. However, other alternatives with similar functions have also been identified, such as mouthwashes based on chamomile and sodium bicarbonate. It is concluded that Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is responsible for reducing oral biofilm and controlling periodontal diseases by inhibiting bacterial plaque and combating bacteria present in oral tissues. It is also used before surgical interventions for better cleaning; however, if these mouthwashes are not administered in the correct doses, side effects such as taste impairment and dental discoloration may occur


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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