Introduction: risky sexual behaviors are defined as any sexual activity that increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, they also include sexual relations with multiple sexual partners, not using or using condoms inconsistently, sexual relations under the influence of substance use. Being the university population one of the most affected. Aim: determine what are the risky sexual behaviors among university students. Method: The type of study of the present investigation is based on the non-experimental, descriptive model, of the bibliographic review type. Results: behaviors that may be considered RSC are the following: unprotected sex, sex under the influence of substances, sex with people who use drugs, multiple sexual partners, early initiation of sexual relations, and sexual relations with sex workers, paid sex or casual sex. Conclusions: the large number of factors related to RSC creates the need to achieve interventions for risk groups, for this we can rely on the predictors of risky sexual behaviors and improvement in sexual health centers, this could result in a significant drop in morbidity and mortality associated with risky sexual behaviors.
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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