Characteristics of dental cysts


Palacios Pérez Tamara MarcelaORCID, ,Palacios Pérez Gilda NataliaORCID,Clavijo Rosales Claudia GabrielaORCID,Romero Ibáñez Heiddy CarolinaORCID,Feijoo Rosales Evelyn PaulinaORCID, , , ,


Introduction: Lesions of odontogenic origin such as cysts with benign characteristics but which; however, they can cause great destruction and facial deformities. The "Cysts" become a type of benign affectation, which form either lumps or a pathological cavity with liquid or semi-liquid content and is covered by epithelium on the inside and by connective tissue on the outside. Objective: Describe the characteristics and how dental cysts manifest. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out, through an electronic search in the main databases (PubMed, Taylor & Francis, Scopus and ScienceDirect). Articles published between 2016 and 2022 were included. Results: the characteristics of cysts were identified, such as their manifestation, their characteristics, types, etc., so it was found that common cysts such as ondontogenic and dentigerous. Conclusions: it is concluded that there are different characteristics of dental cysts depending on their manifestations, clinic, radiography, etc.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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