Human talent management and the work performance of employees in a textile company in Comas


Casavilca Jeronimo Melanny Xiomara,Pedraza Basilio Alison Yeny,Meneses Claudio Brian Andreé,Zapana Ruiz Jorge Arturo


This paper addresses the fact that companies in the textile sector are unaware of the value or importance of human talent, which is why shortcomings have been detected in the recruitment process, personnel selection and shortcomings in the application of both training and performance evaluation. Therefore, the main objective is based on determining whether there is a relationship between human talent management and labor performance. Likewise, the methodology used is of a basic type, with a correlational scope, the application of a non-experimental design, a transversal cut, with the choice of the hypothetical deductive method and, to culminate, a survey was used as a technique, in which to collect information a questionnaire was applied to 85 collaborators of the apparel area. In addition, in relation to the results, a Spearman's Rho coefficient of 0,757 was obtained between human talent management and work performance, which means that there is a high positive correlation; likewise, with respect to the degree of significance, a result of <0,001 was obtained, since this means that the null hypothesis is denied and the alter hypothesis is approved, since it is less than 0,005. In summary, based on the result obtained, it can be said that, through the proper management of the talents, an optimal performance will be obtained, fulfilling the expectations expected by the organization


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia







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