Terminological and Conceptual Proliferation in Education and Pedagogy


Mejia-Mejia EliasORCID,Díaz-Flores FrancisORCID,Meneses-Claudio BrianORCID


In this article, we realize the epistemological weakness of pedagogy, after reviewing the specialized bibliography in which there is a very wide spectrum of references with respect to its nature, from those that justify and proclaim its scientific character, to the positions that deny it. For a discipline to be recognized as scientific, it is necessary that the body of knowledge that constitutes it has been produced with the application of the scientific method, so that the hypotheses it supports have passed the test of falsity or some other test, such as verifiability or corroboration that allows it to be distinguished from what is not science. The central hypotheses of pedagogy have not passed these requirements, so it is not possible to defend their scientific character. On the other hand, the terminological and conceptual proliferation that we have found, highlights the weakness of its epistemological bases.


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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