Quantifying Urban Dynamics: An Investigation of Employment Mobility, Spatial Proximity, and Residential Attractiveness in Moroccan Small Cities Applying Data Science Methods


Khalid SohaibORCID,Effina Driss


The primary objective of this study is to delve into the intricate interplay between workforce mobility and the spatial proximity to agglomerations, and their collective impact on the residential attractiveness of small cities in Morocco. Initially, we meticulously estimated the net migration rate, a robust and widely acknowledged metric within scholarly discourse, employed to gauge the territorial magnetism. Subsequently, employing this metric as the dependent variable, we embarked on a thorough examination of how the mobility of the workforce and territorial proximity to agglomerations synergistically shape the attractiveness of small cities. The assessment of the net migration rate unearthed a pattern of dispersion, a phenomenon that catalyzed our adoption of quantile regression modeling. Therefore, our rigorous analysis has unveiled a compelling revelation: the geographical proximity of small cities exerts a pronounced influence on their allure. Specifically, a closer adjacency to agglomeration zones invariably results in an augmented residential attractiveness. Furthermore, our research has discerned a robust correlation between heightened workforce mobility and an amplified migratory interest in small Moroccan cities. These compelling findings challenge the prevailing notion that the residential magnetism of small cities in Morocco hinges solely on their socio-economic profile. Instead, it underscores the profound impact wielded by their spatial disposition and the dynamic movements of the workforce


Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia

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