At the General Hospital Santo Domingo, patient safety was a priority in 2022, focusing on practices that prevented unnecessary harm during healthcare delivery. A quantitative study with a descriptive, exploratory, and field approach was conducted, using methodological tools such as the questionnaire from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and structured interviews with the institution's director. The sample included 100 operational staff and the administrative director, evaluating labor, social, and personal parameters in five safety categories. It was noted that 65 % of the health personnel confirmed full compliance with the patient safety program guidelines. Furthermore, a strategic analysis was performed that significantly contributed to improving patient safety at the institution. This analysis highlighted the need for ongoing training and updating parameters to meet the specific needs of the establishment, aiming to enhance the patient safety culture. It was concluded that, although the management of patient safety was efficient, it was imperative to continue training and adapting practices to optimize patient protection at the hospital
Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia
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