1. European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Website [https://safety4sea.com/emsa-annual-overview-of-marine-casualties-and-incidents-2022]. Accessed date: 6th February 2023.
2. State Commission on Maritime Accident Investigation (SMAIC), Results of safety investigations carried out by SMAIC [https://pkbwm.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PKBWM_Roczna-Analiza-2021-wypadki-i-incydenty-morskie-1.pdf]. Accessed date: 30th March 2023.
3. Electronic Quality Shipping Information System Equasis, The 2022 World Fleet Report [http://www.equasis.org/EquasisWeb/public/HomePage]. Accessed date: February 2023.
4. IGP&I International Group of P&I Clubs [https://www.igpandi.org] internal materials. Accessed date: March 2023.
5. Maritime Office in Gdynia [https://www.umgdy.gov.pl] internal materials. Accessed date: March 2023.