1. Hornung M.: ECDIS: Implementation of Annual Performance Test (APT) - A Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Adaption. Thesis. Hochschule Bremen, April 2017.
2. IHO - https://iho.int/en/standards-and-specifications – Standard and Specifications and https://iho.int/en/standards-in-force - Standards in Force.
3. IHO S-100. Universal Hydrographic Data Model, Edition 5.0.0. International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco, December 2022.
4. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2. ECDIS - Guidance for Good Practice. International Maritime Organization, London, 28 November 2022.
5. IMO MSC 106/13. Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue. Report of the Ninth Session of the Sub-Committee. Note by the Secretariat. International Maritime Organization, London, 1 August 2022.