In his didactic work, both as an academic teacher at the A. De Gasperi Academy of Applied Sciences WSGE in Józefów and as a special educator at the School and Educational Centre No. 2 in Otwock, the author analysed interpersonal interactions, emphasising the relationship between healthy people and people with disabilities. This interaction between people was often determined by stereotypes and prejudices. Able-bodied people often behaved differently towards people with disabilities, which could be due to generally prevailing attitudes towards people with disabilities and from individual character predispositions.
This monograph focuses on analysing students' attitudes towards people with disabilities, taking into account their demographic and personality characteristics. It is designed to explore how these factors influence behaviour and perception towards people with disabilities. The author presents the terminology related to the topic, the types of disability, as well as the social attitudes towards the issue. Furthermore, he shows the relevant social issues that affect the quality of life of these people and their integration into society. In recent years, despite increased awareness of the above topic, many barriers and stereotypes still exist. The problem addressed and the research sought to understand how various factors, such as personal characteristics, demographics and the academic environment, influence the formation of these attitudes. The author explored the components of interpersonal relationships, the mechanisms that shape them and the factors that influence their development.
The topic undertaken identifies key factors influencing students' attitudes towards people with disabilities. It seeks to assess whether and to what extent factors such as gender, age, education, or life experience correlate with negative or positive attitudes. It also seeks to understand how these attitudes may influence practices in educational settings.
An in-depth literature review was conducted in preparation for the study. Works on attitudes towards people with disabilities, theories of social attitudes as well as empirical research focused on academia were analysed. This literature indicates the complexity of the problem and the variety of factors that may influence attitudes towards people with disabilities. In the context of this monograph, the research papers that have been used as key sources and theoretical foundations are particularly relevant. These carefully selected sources not only enriched the theoretical foundations of the work, but also provided an in-depth understanding of its subject matter. Crucial to the theoretical structure of this monograph are selected research publications that deserve special attention: M. Böhner and M. Wänke Attitudes and attitude change, A. Bujnowska Uwarunkowania postawów studentów pedagogiki wobec osób niepełnosprawnych, A. Sękowski Osobowościowe uwarunkowania postawowania wobec ludzi niepełnosprawnych. These precisely selected sources not only provide the key conceptual framework for the issue at hand, but also provide the empirical basis on which the in-depth analyses and synthesis carried out in the current research work were based.
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi w Józefowie
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