Exploring the Entrepreneurial Role of Lawyers: A service-dominant logic paradigm


Urbaniec MariaORCID,Skąpska ElżbietaORCID,Błaszczuk-Zawiła MarzennaORCID


ObjectivesThis article examines the roles of lawyers in entrepreneurship through the lens of service-dominant logic. Its aim is to understand how lawyers deal with the challenges of entrepreneurship while adhering to their core ethics and practice principles. The study reveals the factors that enable lawyers to effectively meet client needs.Material and methodsUsing an analytical approach, this study integrates the academic literature on service theory, behavioural economics and entrepreneurship. It evaluates the service relationship framework and the service-dominant logic paradigm to capture the entrepreneurial dimension of legal services. It takes into account rankings of Polish law firms and REGON register data for a comprehensive analysis.ResultsThe results of the study provide an understanding of the interplay between law and business by examining how lawyers deal with entrepreneurial challenges while maintaining ethical and professional standards. To this end, the factors that enable effective client service were identified, i.e. both tangible (business-related) and intangible (related to professional competence) factors. The analysis demonstrates the role of lawyers as proactive stakeholders in the evolving legal services market, rather than simply as administrators of legal processes. It highlights the shift towards a more entrepreneurial mindset in the legal profession.ConclusionsThe contribution of our analysis is a multidimensional exploration of the evolving role of lawyers in the context of entrepreneurship, based on service-dominant logic theory, which emphasises the need for adaptation and value co-creation in the legal community, enhancing the competitiveness and innovation of the legal profession. The article offers an innovative and interdisciplinary perspective on the lawyer as entrepreneur.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi w Józefowie

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