Local development and entrepreneurship: legal, economic and managerial determinants. A multidisciplinary approach


Jastrzębski WińczysławORCID,Pochodyła PawełORCID,Bojaruniec MartaORCID,Sokołowska-Woźniak JustynaORCID,Golec EwaORCID


ObjectivesEntrepreneurship is defined as a process in which not only business is a participant, but also local governments and social organizations (more broadly, the public and social sectors). In the management process, entrepreneurship is manifested, for example, by choosing the right strategy, creating flexible structures, promoting innovation, avoiding excessive administration and choosing the right forms of control.Material and methodsThe research methods used in the work are: comparative analysis, functional analysis, questionnaire, interviews with municipal managers through a direct conversation with the respondent, a dynamic research method and statistical methods of data analysis. The research was conducted using many quantitative and qualitative methods.ResultsThe commune management process is active and aims to create prospects for the development of these units. Therefore, this process should be based on a strategic approach understood as an orderly set of activities, from the identification and assessment of potential opportunities and threats to the environment and the determination of the strengths and weaknesses of a local government unit.ConclusionsThe basic unit of local government: 1. The commune's mission is to use the commune's resources and potential on the basis of sustainable development, in order to raise the standard of living of the inhabitants and effective management. 2. The mission of the commune is to provide people with jobs and income allowing for the necessary standard of living for the society. 3. The commune's mission is to use the commune's development potential to create conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and to constantly improve the living conditions of its inhabitants.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi w Józefowie

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