Legal and admisnitrative-management conditions of the operation of polish spa resorts


Anisiewicz UrszulaORCID,Pochodyła PawełORCID,Orzeł ZbigniewORCID,Jurczak EwelinaORCID


The article shows that the spa, as a territorial part of the municipality, determines the status of the municipality, its leading spa function, to which most of the important matters are necessarily subordinated. This applies, for example, to land use plans, development plans, environmental protection, construction, business development of the entire municipality, not just the part on which the resort is located. The aim of the work is to try to answer the question of what legal, administrative and organizational solutions will stimulate the effective functioning and development of Polish spas, under conditions of strong competition in the European market for tourism and spa services. An additional objective of the study is to identify the factors stimulating competitiveness and quality of tourism and spa services of customers of Polish spas. The evaluation of laundry and economic-administrative solutions was limited to the assessment of economic instruments and legal regulations found in national and EU government documents, directives and legal acts. The evaluation of current and projected solutions and changes in legal regulations takes into account the short and long term.


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych WSGE im. A. De Gasperi w Józefowie

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