The role of Big Data and Data Science in the context of information security and cybersecurity


Prokopowicz DariuszORCID,Gołębiowska AnnaORCID,Such-Pyrgiel MałgorzataORCID


ObjectivesIn the area of the fastest growing fields of ICT technology which determine the successive stages of progress in the field of online electronic banking, it is necessary to disseminate standards for conducting financial operations carried out in the so-called cloud as well as using the large data sets located in the so-called Big Data platforms.Material and methodsFor the purposes of this article, research has been carried out on the broad issue of Big Data Analytics applications in the context of social, normative, economic, environmental, climate aspects. A questionnaire survey was conducted. The method of analysis of literature sources concerning the subject of the article was applied.ResultsCurrently emerging trends in the development of technology based on Big Data dataset platforms usually allow to perform multidimensional calculations and reported results of analyzes in real time. The analyzes conducted on huge data sets allow for comprehensive, multi-aspect risk assessments at the level of the whole entity. During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, there was an increase in the importance of analytics based on Big Data Analytics. During the pandemic, there was also an increase in the digitisation and internetisation of business processes. This also resulted in an increase in the scale of cybercrime development.ConclusionsThe technological revolution currently taking place, defined as Industry 4.0, is motivated by the development of the following factors: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other technologies of advanced data processing Data Mining. On the basis of the development new technological solutions, in recent years there has been a dynamic development of Big Data Analytics.


Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Jozefow, Poland

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