Cultural construction of the body – risks and perspectives


Nawrocka Martyna,Stradomska Marlena Wanda


The aim of this paper is to indicate the possible consequences of the intensification of dietary, cosmetic and medical interference in the human body. Nowadays, creation or construction of identity takes place largely through modifications of the human body. Thus, the body ceases to be the domain of solely biology, and becomes dependent on culture and fashion. Transforming the body and controlling it through diets and other regimes is seen as pro-social and even morally correct. At the same time, body modifications serve as a medium for the individual to communicate his attitude and his inner self to the world. While some of these methods may be or appear to be helpful, others are associated with a number of serious consequences, such as self-harm, anorexia or orthorexia. The article aims to present the way in which culture shapes and transforms the body, as well as the possible consequences - both positive and negative


Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Jozefow, Poland

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