Internet users' purchasing decisions regarding organic products during the Covid-19 pandemic


Buraczyńska Barbara UrszulaORCID,Wlazło MagdaORCID


ObjectivesThe research is intended to determine the preferences of Internet users regarding the purchase of different groups of organic products in traditional shops and online. The research also aims to verify whether consumers' demographic and social characteristics influence their decision to purchase these products.Material and methodsTo obtain research data, an online survey (diagnostic survey method) was conducted among 1,000 Polish Internet users over the age of 18. Statistical methods - Pearson's Chi square and M L test - were used to analyse the relationship between the respondent groups.ResultsThe research showed that Internet users are more likely to purchase organic products in physical stores than online. Statistical analysis revealed relationships between consumer behaviour and their gender, age, education and income.ConclusionsThe research results in recommendations for business enterprises for preparing organic product offerings that consider the characteristics of the target group. For businesses, their importance is practical. It is advisable to continue research to verify the stability of Internet users' attitudes even after the Covid 19 pandemic is over and possibly to identify trends in purchasing decisions for different groups of organic products.


Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Jozefow, Poland

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