The usage of biopesticides is far less compared to chemical pesticides available in the market. Trichoderma is an effective biocontrol agent with a long history of success stories compared to all other available biocontrol agents. Application of Trichoderma formulation enhances the plant growth and is more effective in managing diseases of crop plants. In India, several popular products derived from different Trichoderma species have found commercial success among organic growers. In India, certain quantity of fruitful produces are from diverse class of Trichoderma hence, it must be commercialized. Many small and medium entrepreneurs have recently started producing biocontrol agents for commercial use, which has led to the introduction of numerous biocontrol products in the global market. This paper aims to review and discuss the carrier materials, mass production techniques, target diseases, recommended dose, application methods, storage and shelf life of Trichoderma formulations. The main obstacle inthe commercialization of bioproducts is reduced shelf life. Therefore, this review will explain the various types of Trichoderma formulations in several substrates and commercial viability of the substrates. Key words: Efficacy, Formulation, Substrates, Shelf life, Trichoderma